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Engineered to meet the power demands of high-end systems, the Antec High Current Gamer Gold power supply series boasts unparalleled stability and 80 PLUS® Gold-certified efficiency, thanks to the top-grade Japanese capacitors and Active PFC. Advanced thermal control with the Zero RPM mode enables optimal balance between silence and cooling, and a quiet 135 mm fluid dynamic bearing fan completes the package. The CircuitShield™ suite of industrial-grade protections ensures that the power delivered to your system is safe and reliable. If loads of power, high-level engineering and extreme efficiency are what you’re after, the HCG Gold series is the ideal power supply in any situation.

80 PLUS Gold Certified

Delivering up to 92% efficiency, the High Current Gamer Gold series utilizes active PFC, 100% Japanese capacitors, and provides efficiency during max and low loads—living up to the performance standards that we are known for.

100% Japanese capacitors

Using 100% high-performance Japanese capacitors, the HCG Gold series ensures the tightest DC stability and regulation, for reliability that you and your system can count on.

PhaseWaveTM Design

A server-class full-bridge LLC design with a synchronous rectification based on a DC-DC topology.

Server-grade 50°C Temperature Rating

HCG 1000 Gold delivers non-stop industrial class performance for high-end computer systems at up to 50°C ambient.

135 mm FDB FAN

The whisper-quiet, 135mm fluid-dynamic bearing (FDB) fan provides high airflow with the durability and longevity that is a signature of Antec quality.

Fully modular cable management system

Allows you to use only the cables you need, which greatly simplifies installation and helps clear out space. And with a full-modular power supply, you can also improve your airflow, because excess cables can obstruct and reduce airflow.

Industry-leading 16 pin Socket

Industry-leading 16-pin sockets double the modular connectivity by supporting 2 different 8-pin cables per socket and allow for future connector changes


An extra capacitor located at the ends of 12V cables store power, preventing brownouts from sudden demand spikes-providing an extra power reserve where you need it, when you need it most.

Maximum Power

1000W and above


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